Atlanta is a Beister class 6.5 KR steel sailing yacht, built on Nordeney- a small German island in the North Sea in 1961. Her hull is 10.9 metres long and 2.90m wide. Origionally a 2 master, she was redesigned in the last 40 years with the addition of a bowsprit and removal of the second mast, presumably to be easier for single-handed charter. The inside was also redone around 30 years ago so the layout is slightly diffrent to that of the diagram below, although the table area, kitchen and bed remain the same.

Niels picked her up in Holland with some friends at the end of 2018. It was quite an adventure as Niels couldn’t sail, and no one knew the condition of the boat. By reading the log book and maps left onboard she seemed to have sailed mostly on the Baltic and North sea previously. Niels had one season of sailing in 2019 before being craned onto land for some serious reparations.